Monday, November 8, 2010

Pumpkin Master!

So two Saturdays ago, my son and I went to see a movie at the mall. We went a little early so that we could swing by the Farmer's Market.

When we got off the bus, the first thing my son ran to was the "Guess the Weight of the Giant Pumpkin!" exhibit.

What he wanted to do was draw all over the little pieces of paper that were out for people who wanted to guess the weight. He also wanted to write his name.

So I was saying, "Good job! I like your train... oh, look, that's a letter 'i'," and stuff like that.

So my son says, "You do one, Papa!"

I look at the form, eyeball the pumpkin and say to myself, "What the heck. I know pumpkins. I've lifted plenty."

I think for about five seconds, comparing a few weights in my mind and then write down 211 lbs., my address, and slip it in the box.

I think no more of it.

A couple of days ago I get this letter in the mail that says I won!

Not only did I win, but I guessed the weight *exactly*!

What are the chances of that?

Just call me "Pumpkin Master."

Send me your pictures and I'll guess your weight, too!


  1. You have discovered one of the many benefits of having a garden! Congratulations on your success in the Pumpkin Weight Guessing Contest!

  2. I think it was actually the newborn calf-lifting that gave me a sense of how much things weigh. Those little suckers were about a hundred pounds at birth.

    Other than that, I don't know how I guessed it so exactly.

    And thanks! Its nice to win at something, even something random.
